Sunday, June 26, 2016

Into You, My Newest Title and Foray into Self Publishing

Yep, its been awhile since I've been on blogger. And this is why-Into You, a little labor of love for my experiment with self publishing.

Okay, here's the thing; I have published two books with Ellora's Cave, and while I am grateful for the opportunity and I have certainly learned a lot, particularly about editing, I have never been paid. Not once. Not in a year. I get that the publishing house has been going through some rough times. I get that they are transitioning staff. I even get that they may never pay me. Okay. Fine. But what I don't get is that they don't answer emails. Ever. That is grating. However, enough about that. Every experience is a chance to learn something new.

So, taking what I have learned about editing and publishing in general, I decided to go out on my own and do some direct publishing on Kindle at Amazon. At least with them I can be fairly certain that I will get paid. Every 60 days. I have to do my own promotion, but I had to do that with Ellora's Cave as well. I also get to have my book listed with Kindle Unlimited, though I'm not sure how well that will turn out. We'll see. One gets paid by the read page with that, which could work out pretty well.

All that being said, hey, buy my new book at Into You 
You might also leave a little review, if you are so inclined and thanks for supporting Indie Authors!